Impact Dyslexia is creating bold solutions to the dyslexia crisis.
Four Root Causes to the Dyslexia Crisis
Only 3% of the population is screened for dyslexia.
How can you get the help and support you need to succeed if you don’t know you’re dyslexic?
Most of our teachers aren’t taught evidence-based best practices for reading instruction.
How can you learn to read if your teacher doesn’t know how to teach you the best way you can learn, which we know from brain-science?
There is almost complete lack of awareness of dyslexia and many misconceptions.
How can you celebrate the gift of dyslexia and support dyslexics through school if you don’t know anything about it?
Dyslexics live with failure, shame and stigma.
It comes from the constant barrage of negative messages at school and home – and things they tell themselves – because they can’t keep up, don’t know why, and are smart enough to know they aren’t dumb.
How can you live up to your potential without the emotional support to succeed?
Bold Solutions
Impact Dyslexia had historic win in Texas in the 2019 legislative session – the equivalent of four grand slam home runs! On the heels of this success, we’re rolling out our national policy initiatives.
Impact Dyslexia is advocating for education policy change at the state and federal level focused on two priorities:
Universal screening: We must have universal screening by 1st grade and per-pupil funding to enable every dyslexic to get the education they need.
Best practices in education: Our nation’s colleges of education must teach evidence-based best practices in reading instruction and we have to fund teacher retraining.
Social and Emotional Support
Every parent of a dyslexic child in every school in the country needs support for themselves and for their kids.
We are creating scalable and impactful approaches for every parent of a dyslexic to support themselves and their children in all 13,000+ school districts in the country.